Google Local Services Ads

Our Google Local Services Ads (GLSA) reporting tool provides full visibility into your ad spend and marketing performance. Start Your Free Trial Today
Campaign Analytics
Account-level snapshot of key GLSA campaign-based metrics
Monitor PPL Metrics
Number of leads, total lead cost, lead location, and much more
Reputation Management
Monitor customer sentiment and build a 5-star reputation online
Report Automation
Automate your call tracking by scheduling periodic reports

Automated GLSA Reporting

If you’re managing Google Local Services Ads , the time it takes to manually collect and report on the data adds up quickly. Use our GLSA integration to automate your company's entire data collection, visualization, and reporting process. This means no more spreadsheets or last minute reports. Build a dedicated GLSA report or live dashboard in minutes and easily communicate the performance of your campaigns.

Analyze GLSA PPL Metrics

With our real-time data connection to GLSA, companies can easily monitor the results of their pay-per-lead (PPL) campaigns and provide your team with an easy-to-understand summary of the overall performance. The PPL metrics in the dashboard include the total number of calls and text messages, lead details, lead costs, lead location, and more.

Monitor Lead Costs in Real Time

Monitoring the cost-per-lead is crucial to hit performance targets and achieve profitability with each campaign. Use our GLSA integration to build a 24/7 live dashboard that monitors lead costs in real-time. Track advertising budgets and optimize your campaigns quickly and efficiently.

Drive More Local Leads

With a dedicated GLSA dashboard you will be able to provide your team with an easy-to-understand visual representation of the leads you’re driving to their business, including the number of leads over a specific time period, leads charge status, and much more. Supercharge your marketing campaigns by adding Google Ads and Google Business Profile integrations to the Google Local Services Ads platform.

Prominently GLSA Display Campaign Results

Get a complete picture of your ad spend with a dedicated GLSA reporting tool. Allow your team to easily determine conversion rate, conversion value, and other key campaign metrics. This enables you to tie all your marketing efforts back to marketing qualified leads (MQLs). The call leads are supported by dates/times/duration of calls and location, while message leads include the contact name.

Combine GLSA With 75+ Integrations

If you’re already managing campaigns with Google Ads or Google Business Profile, adding GLSA integration provides a more holistic picture of your marketing activities and ad spend on Google. Provide your team with a complete overview of your PPL and PPC campaign metrics in order to optimize campaign performance and efficiently report on the results. With access to 75+ integrations, you’re able to put your company's entire reporting process on autopilot.

Deliver Reports On Your Own Schedule

The GLSA integration allows you to save countless hours of manual work gathering daily lead contact details, lead location, and lead cost. With a GLSA reporting platform, there is no need for you to update your records daily as the integration not only collects and visually represents that data instantaneously, but also updates it in real time. With this data readily available, you can choose to either give access to a live dashboard or send periodic reports on daily, weekly, monthly, or any other frequency of your choosing.

Connect the Google Local Services Ads integration in seconds to streamline your reporting.

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Everything You Need

automated reports

Automated Reports

Build and schedule reports in seconds. Save time with a streamlined reporting process.

white label


Add your company's branding across the dashboard, reports and mobile app.


Team Access

Give your team their own login and customize what they can see.

connect your data

Connect your Data

Integrate all your SEO, PPC, social, email and call tracking services.

rank tracker

Rank Tracker

Accurately track your keywords rankings. Updated daily!

SEO Audits

SEO Audits

Perform a full SEO audit on your website. Schedule weekly audits to stay on top of any issues.

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