Constant Contact

Automated Constant Contact reports for companies. Accurate, timely data. Intuitive configuration.
Subscriber Activity
Opened, unopened, bounced, and forwarded emails
Campaign Engagement
Opens and clicks by date for insightful subscriber engagement analysis
Account Overview
Account-wide overview cataloging all campaign actions
Unsubscribe Count
Real-time tally of "unsubscribes" for each campaign

Email Marketing, Simplified

Our intuitive visual comparisons of clicks and opens over time help you to make better optimization decisions for improved campaign performance.

Real-Time Constant Contact Dashboard

Have the ability to view email marketing data on demand.

Highlight Your Company's Marketing Value

Most teams have limited marketing budgets, and even in longstanding relationships, it's important to consistently remind your team of the value that your company brings to the table. Historical, calendar-driven reporting highlights the impact that your company has had on performance over time.

Constant Contact Reports

Consistent branding is a must-have in today's competitive marketing landscape. Don't damage your brand perception with generic spreadsheets or watermarked reports. Our sleek, professionally designed email marketing reports prominently feature your branding, and contribute to a perception of professionalism and high level expertise.

Connect the Constant Contact integration in seconds to streamline your reporting.

Google Ads
Google Analytics 4


Everything You Need

automated reports

Automated Reports

Build and schedule reports in seconds. Save time with a streamlined reporting process.

white label


Add your company's branding across the dashboard, reports and mobile app.


Team Access

Give your team their own login and customize what they can see.

connect your data

Connect your Data

Integrate all your SEO, PPC, social, email and call tracking services.

rank tracker

Rank Tracker

Accurately track your keywords rankings. Updated daily!

SEO Audits

SEO Audits

Perform a full SEO audit on your website. Schedule weekly audits to stay on top of any issues.

Subscribe for updates

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