Google Search Console

The ideal Google Search Console reporting tool built for marketing companies. Increase organic traffic, fix crawl errors, and impress them with actionable business insights from easy-to-understand Google search data.
Top Queries
Monitor each individual keyword that generated impressions or clicks
Crawl Errors
Track crawl errors by page, category, and response code
Top Pages
Analyze important web analytics like how Google crawls your website pages
Average Position
Audit average SERP positions by keyword and page

No More Spreadsheets

Companies love reviewing their Google Search Console data, but they hate sifting through line after line of raw spreadsheet data. Not to mention the time it takes for your marketing company to compile this Google search data in a clunky spreadsheet manually and just hope everything is accurate.
Using an SEO analytics tool, like InsightFlow Analytics, gives your companycustomizable SEO report templates that feature full-color charts and graphs to organize crucial GSC metrics into an intuitive and manageable format. Reclaim your company's monthly billable hours by using a Google Search Console template.

Gain Actionable Insights

Analyze CTR to uncover actionable insights that affect your bottom line. Use a keyword ranking report to visually explain that high ranking keywords on search engines with a low CTR often indicate that the page title or meta description is poorly optimized. Tweak those items for fast, easy traffic gains and highlight them in a Google Search Console dashboard, showcasing your company's long-term value.

Monitor Crawl Errors

Crawl errors dramatically impact your Google search rankings and their customer's user experience. Monitor for crawl errors on a daily basis with the simple, easy-to-use Google Search Console dashboard.

Discover Long Tail Keywords

Uncover new sources of traffic and revenue by analyzing the long tail keywords that are already ranking for in search results. Use tools and reports to filter keywords by clicks or impressions for effortless long tail analysis. Creating a search console report or dashboard shows exactly what their target audience is looking for. Deliver unbeatable value building trust with customers and increase revenue.

Analyze Top Pages

Monitor exactly which pages are getting the lion's share of clicks and impressions in the SERPs. These powerful page traffic performance reports provide insights that help your company decide exactly where to focus your efforts for additional traffic gains.

Reports Featuring Your Marketing Company's Logo

Take your company branding even further. Create multiple profiles for different teams, including different logos & color schemes. For a complete experience, host your Google Search Console dashboards on your own custom domain and send reports from your own email.
Build stunning SEO report designs that you'll be proud to associate with your company's brand.

Simplify Reporting

Google Search Console platform is confusing for non-technical clients to navigate.
Give teams their own login to a live, custom dashboard that is seamlessly branded with your company's logo, colors, and domain. Build their GSC dashboard featuring up-to-date information, like click through rates and top countries, and use cross-campaign reporting to give a holistic view of all marketing data sources. Seamlessly connect over 75+ marketing integrations for a complete SEO dashboard to understand all marketing campaigns.

Automated Report Scheduling & Approval

Creating a custom report in GA4 (previously Universal Analytics) is time-consuming, not to mention confusing for your team. Easily flip powerful GA4 dashboards into beautiful reports in minutes. These reports populate automatically with all of your company’s marketing data for a specified date range.
Use the report scheduling feature to create automated marketing reports that are sent on a customized schedule. On select plans, get notified before each report is sent out for your final approval and to add expert commentary. The GA4 integration makes creating custom reports easy!

Show You’re Hitting Marketing Goals

Universal Analytics is out! Showcase your marketing strategy success at a glance with the Goals widget in a report section. The visual progress bar highlights exactly how your marketing efforts are trending against key objectives.
Break down your monthly performance targets into day-to-day action items and keep your team on track. Apply annotations and goals to any metric and show clients exactly how you’re helping them progress towards their performance targets.
Use custom comments to include your expert insights in your acquisition reports and help your clients’ businesses succeed.

Customer Support at Your Fingertips

InsightFlow Analytics is committed to helping your company succeed. The dedicated customer support team gives you all the assistance you need to effectively use your automated reporting software and deliver unmatched Google Search Console reports.

Connect the Google Search Console integration in seconds to streamline your reporting.

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Everything You Need

automated reports

Automated Reports

Build and schedule reports in seconds. Save time with a streamlined reporting process.

white label


Add your company's branding across the dashboard, reports and mobile app.


Team Access

Give your team their own login and customize what they can see.

connect your data

Connect your Data

Integrate all your SEO, PPC, social, email and call tracking services.

rank tracker

Rank Tracker

Accurately track your keywords rankings. Updated daily!

SEO Audits

SEO Audits

Perform a full SEO audit on your website. Schedule weekly audits to stay on top of any issues.

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