
Share Yelp review counts, ratings, and your latest review snippets via custom dashboards and automated report
Review Count
Keep track of your total Yelp review count
Average Rating
Analyze average ratings across multiple time frames
Review Snippets
See snippets of your client's latest reviews on Yelp
Real-Time Data
Pull in live data, for instant updates

Holistic Management

Get a full overview of your online reputation, visibility, and performance: Add their Yelp reviews alongside Google My Business, call and email tracking, CRM data, location-specific keyword rankings, social media, and more.

Live Yelp Reviews & Ratings

Our Yelp integration puts live data at your fingertips, making it easy to monitor and share your latest reviews. Track review count, average ratings and review snippets, to ensure your team is always up-to-date with the online reputation.

Automated Yelp Reporting

Our drag-and-drop report editor gives you stunning custom reports in an instant. Automatically report on Yelp data alongside your other channels, then add custom notes, in-house data, images, and more. We make it easy to show your company's work.

Powerful Dashboards & Tools

Your Company's Secret Weapon

Sick of logging into countless platforms each day? Handle everything in one place: Switch integrations in seconds, and put your key metrics on one screen. Save time with automation, tasks, templates, and custom user accounts. We'll improve your company's productivity, and "wow" your team.

Connect the Yelp integration in seconds to streamline your reporting.

Majestic SEO


Everything You Need

automated reports

Automated Reports

Build and schedule reports in seconds. Save time with a streamlined reporting process.

white label


Add your company's branding across the dashboard, reports and mobile app.


Team Access

Give your team their own login and customize what they can see.

connect your data

Connect your Data

Integrate all your SEO, PPC, social, email and call tracking services.

rank tracker

Rank Tracker

Accurately track your keywords rankings. Updated daily!

SEO Audits

SEO Audits

Perform a full SEO audit on your website. Schedule weekly audits to stay on top of any issues.

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